As of July 1, 2024, Bonsai d.o.o. has been formally merged into Span d.d. Upon the registration of the merger with the Commercial Court in Zagreb, the merged company ceases to exist, and Span d.d. becomes its universal legal successor. The integration of Bonsai into Span will unify Span's software development offerings.

The website will be permanently shut down. We thank you for your interest and support over the years. For all additional information and updates, please visit and their social media channels.


Finance organizations are under scrutiny and increased regulations but they have never been more important to the function of the whole economy. All the more reasons why operations must be accurate, efficient, and compliant.

Streamline banking processes

If you want to dodge the limitations of inefficient and complex banking operations, try out our expanded RPA capabilities. As early adopters of Robotic Process Automation, banks are making good use of it within a wide range of operations, from managing customers’ transactions to delivering balance statements for an estate. RPA can execute loan underwriting as well as enhance KYC and AML compliance processes.

In order to maintain people's confidence in your company, you know your operations need to be pulled through quickly and efficiently. To prevent deadlocks from happening, we developed a thorough system of AI-based customer support.

Once your client sends an email reporting a debit card problem or just wants to find out their eligibility for a personal loan, automatic ticket classification is activated. With mutual collaboration between a virtual assistant, RPA, AI, and sometimes still inevitable support agent, your client gets a fast reply and complete resolution.

“Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now one of the most frequently mentioned technologies in Model Bank nominations, with a growing number of banks deploying AI to enhance customer understanding, optimise operations, and support employees.”
— Celent, 2020

Banking customer support

89% of customers stop doing business with their BFSI company after one bad customer experience.

Even a small bottleneck can be a reason your client starts questioning your credibility.

In order to maintain people’s confidence in your company, you know your operations need to be pulled through quickly and efficiently. To prevent deadlocks from happening, we developed a thorough system of AI-based customer support.

Once your client sends an email reporting a debit card problem or just wants to find out their eligibility for a personal loan, automatic ticket classification is activated. With mutual collaboration between a chatbot, RPA, AI and sometimes still inevitable support agent, your client gets a fast reply and complete resolution.

Check out our Rulify

Rule your inbox and don't let it be the other way around.
Automate your inbox and build your own smart email processing flow.

Book a demo right here